The SAM4s or Samsung ER-600 was only available for a short period of time. It really did feature and revolutionary design when it comes to a cash register. This model was a very affordable modular register. being modular instead of all-in-one really made it different. An end-user may only chose to have the keyboard on the counter and the printer and cash drawer mounted elsewhere if even used at all.
The ER-600 found very little success and was soon discontinued. I think it was just a little ahead of its time is all. As far as features and functions it was packed with all the same functionality you would find in the very popular ER-650 cash register. If you are still using an ER-600 we can offer support for you on a pay as you go model just give us a call at 800-863-2274. As far as features go the closes current register to replace it would be the SAM4s SPS-320 register although it is not a modular system.
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