When you integrate your card payments with your cash register you have a much more efficient and secure system. Don't waste time with having to re-enter the sales amount into a standalone credit card terminal. Interfacing turns your cash register into a credit card terminal too. This forces cashiers to ring up sales that will be paid for with a credit or debit card taking away one of the main ways cashiers steal from the business.
We partner with a Nationwide merchant services company that allows us to offer a free or reduced price cash register when you open a merchant account with them. Your business is required to process or plan to process at least $5000.00 per month in credit card sales to qualify for a free cash register. There are fees associated with merchant services that we will go over with you in detail. Please contact us at 800-863-2274 with any questions you may have. Below please find the free cash register bundles as well as those with a great reduced price.